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Building cyber resilience

Grant Bourzikas – Chief Security Officer, Cloudflare

Grant is a seven-time CSO with over 20 years experience leading global security programs that span the private sector, having worked at a Fortune 500 critical infrastructure company, an online trading organization and within the gaming space. Most notably, Grant spent several years in the financial services industry at both HSBC and Silicon Valley Bank. Grant holds a Master's in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence from Southern Methodist University, and a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from the University of Missouri in St. Louis. He is a CPA (Certified Public Accountant) and CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional).

Building cyber resilience series image

Complexity might be your greatest risk

In a recent readiness survey, 86% of respondents say that security complexity is leaving them vulnerable. It’s also stifling innovation — with a strategy centered on consolidation, organizations can enhance resilience, streamline management, and refocus on key projects, including AI initiatives

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AI governance starts with data governance

Governing the use of AI in the enterprise is essential for reducing risks. Because AI depends on data, AI governance must start with data governance — strategies for improving data integrity, preventing data loss, controlling access to AI models, and complying with data localization rules are crucial for protecting your business and maximizing the benefits of AI

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Preparing for the future of AI in cyber security

In 20 years, AI will reshape our world considerably. But too many organizations are focused exclusively on what AI can do today — to make the most of AI in the future, organizations need to build a long-term strategy and start modernizing security now

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Regain control of complex network environments

The disappearance of the network edge, the expanding attack surface, and the sophistication of threats mean enterprises must operate in domains they no longer exercise control over, and budget alone won’t solve this loss in visibility and control

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Overcoming the challenges of data sovereignty

More than 100 countries have enacted laws aimed at protecting the privacy of their citizen’s personal information—and that’s a good thing. However, complying with these laws can pose serious challenges to global businesses

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