The primary way to report abuse to Cloudflare is by using the abuse reporting form linked to from this page. Our automated systems and team is designed to ensure that your report is acted upon promptly. Cloudflare is generally unable to process complaints submitted to us by email. If you email us a complaint, you will likely receive an automated response directing you to use the abuse reporting form instead.
When you file a report with Cloudflare, you’ll want to select the appropriate category on the reporting form. If Cloudflare’s IP address appears in the WHOIS and DNS records for a website, use one of the following categories, as appropriate:
Copyright Infringement & DMCA Violations
Trademark Infringement
Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM)
Non-Consensual Sexually Explicit Imagery (NCSEI)
Violent Threats and Harassment
Phishing & Malware
For reports of a sensitive nature, including reports of human trafficking, use the "Violent Threats and Harassment" option.
The General category should be used for other unlawful or harmful content not otherwise listed.
To report abuse of a domain name or other concerns specifically related to our registrar services, please use the following category :
Registrar - Inaccurate WHOIS
If Cloudflare is listed as the registrar on an ICANN WHOIS listing, you also can email reports related to our registrar services to, although submitting reports through our online system is the best way to ensure a prompt response.