Cloudflare runs a global network that provides security and performance enhancements for Internet facing websites and applications around the world. Cloudflare cannot remove content from the Internet that it does not host, and we generally do not collect or keep information regarding the end users of websites using our services. In responding to the narrow set of law enforcement requests for which we do have responsive information, it is not Cloudflare’s intent to make law enforcement’s job any harder … or easier.
The most frequent law enforcement requests Cloudflare receives are requests for information that might be used to identify a Cloudflare customer. This basic subscriber data would include the information our customers provide at the time they sign up for our service, like name; email address; physical address; phone number; the means or source of payment of service; and non-content information about a customer’s account, such as data about login times and IP addresses used to login to the account. Unless there is an emergency, Cloudflare requires valid legal process such as a subpoena before providing this type of information.
Law enforcement officials can contact us directly at To receive a response, you must clearly identify yourself as a law enforcement officer through your badge & case number, or other information such as your rank, agency, and unit. It is a crime to falsely impersonate a law enforcement official.