Cloudflare is Cyber Essentials certified and our certificate can be found here.
Cyber Essentials defines a set of security controls and guidance on cyber security for organizations of all sizes, developed by the United Kingdom’s National Cyber Security Centre (“NCSC”).
Cyber Essentials certification is backed by the UK-government to help demonstrate how organizations protect themselves against common cyber threats. Updated in 2023 by the NCSC and the Information Assurance for Small and Medium Enterprises (“IASME”) Consortium, the certification scheme includes five core security controls that organizations can implement to protect their assets online. The five controls are user access, secure configuration, security update management, firewalls, and malware protection. The Cyber Essentials certification process includes a self-assessment which is independently verified to make sure organizations meet the requirements of the Cyber Essentials scheme.
To learn more about Cyber Essentials, visit the National Cyber Security Centre. The Cyber Essentials Knowledge Hub (managed by IASME) provides comprehensive information about the Cyber Essentials scheme.
The certification applies to Cloudflare’s whole organization.
The Cyber Essentials certification encourages UK-based organizations to improve cyber security by adopting measures to protect against common cyber attacks. The certification is a requirement for UK Central Government contracts.
Yes, the certificate of assurance is dated with a date of certification and date when recertification is due. Cyber Essentials assessments and certifications are valid for 12 months. Cloudflare re-certifies annually.
Cyber Essentials certification reassurances our customers that we are working to secure Cloudflare against cyber attacks.
Cyber Essentials self-assessments are verified by a qualified assessor that works for a Certification Body.
Customers can use Cloudflare’s products to comply with UK Government contracts.
The certificate is publicly available. Customers can view the certificate here.
Customers can also find verification of Cloudflare’s Cyber Essentials Certificate on the NCSC website.
Visit Cloudflare’s Trust Hub to learn about additional compliance resources.
Learn more about how Cloudflare’s connectivity cloud capabilities help enterprises streamline and map to compliance requirements across multiple standards by visiting our data compliance and protection page.
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Aligning to NIS2 cyber security risk management obligations in the EU with Cloudflare
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Aligning to NIS2 cyber security risk management obligations in the EU with Cloudflare
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