Technical account management service

A Cloudflare technical account manager (TAM) operates as an extension of your team, as the Cloudflare support expert who knows your tech stack, unique infrastructure, and Cloudflare portfolio requirements. Adding a TAM provides:

  • Single point of contact for your organization, available via Slack, email, phone and for recurring meetings
  • Expedited SLAs, including <30 min response to urgent incidents
  • Globally consistent experience, with option for in-region TAM
Technical account management service - image

Single point of contact for your Cloudflare technical support needs

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Experienced Cloudflare support expert

Adding a Cloudflare TAM drives efficiency and helps force multiply your team with a Cloudflare support expert, who takes ownership of answering technical questions, ticket tracking, escalation management, communicating resolution and compiling routine summary reports.

Focused support to keep things moving

TAMs focus on forward progress and continuously seek ways to continuously improve, making informed recommendations and applying best practices from experience, to reduce the number of tickets and shorten resolution time.

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Support during business critical events

TAM service includes comprehensive support for seasonal, high profile, or large-scale events, including conducting pre-event traffic analysis, providing event monitoring and performance updates, and delivering post event summary.

Explore the features

Single point of technical support contact

That understands and centrally manages your support needs, across Cloudflare solutions

Custom runbook development & management

To keep everyone on the same page, continuously updated with product mix and custom reqs

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Primary TAM available in region hours

With follow-the-sun, warm handoffs globally for all P1/critical issues

Emergency support hotline (24/7/365)

Always available, 24/7/365, to report urgent issues as needed

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Business-critical event support

Including action plan and day of support to protect against interruption

Centralized ticket escalation & inventory management

Which includes proactive assistance, frequent progress updates and push to resolution

Incident summary report creation and delivery

On a recurring weekly/monthly basis, to aid in tracking and analysis of improvement over time

Slack channel with TAM

To ask day-to-day questions and for TAM to share frequent updates, maintenance reminders, etc

Get started today