Together, Google Workspace and Cloudflare Email Security deliver preemptive email threat protection, BEC fraud prevention, and automated phishing response and remediation for Gmail users. Cloudflare Email Security also integrates seamlessly with Google Cloud’s native email security features such as anti-spam, DLP, encryption, and archiving, for preemptive and comprehensive email security.
Cloudflare proactively crawls the web to discover phishing campaigns and uses that early insight, plus contextual email analysis techniques, to protect employee inboxes from phishing attacks — before damage can occur. Deploy Cloudflare Email Security in just minutes for a best-of-breed, defense-in-depth anti-phishing security layer for your Google Workspace email users.
Learn how the Cloudflare Cloud Email Security Horizon anti-phishing service complements Gmail’s security features.
Discover how Legato Security strengthened its defenses against cyber threats with Cloudflare and G-suite protection.
Learn about customers’ different deployment architectures for Cloudflare Cloud Email Security (formerly called Area 1).
Learn how Cloudflare Cloud Email Security integrates with Google Cloud to detect and block targeted phishing attacks.
Learn how the integration of Cloudflare Cloud Email Security (formerly called Area 1) with Google Cloud helps to overcome traditional secure email gateways or email authentication and stops sophisticated phishing attacks such as malware-less business email compromise (BEC), account takeover-based fraud, and insider threats.