Project Galileo case studies

Galileo project spot illustration

Learn about the wide range of participants in Project Galileo, a program that protects vulnerable organizations working in the arts, human rights, journalism, and democracy.

Galileo project spot illustration

UN Women Australia

After fraudulent transaction attempts from attackers disrupted fundraising efforts, UN Women Australia switched to a payment gateway that offered better security and worked to future-proof their site.

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Organization for Transformative Works

After getting hit by headline-making attacks, the Organization for Transformative Works’ volunteers sprang into action to get back online and improve their defenses.

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As part of Awaq ONGD’s core mission of fighting climate change, they are collecting a great deal of environmental data and require strategies to ensure reliable and secure access for scientists.

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Tech4Peace, which aims to stop the spread of false information in Iraq, has faced resistance and digital threats over the years, with the risks escalating since the country's October Revolution in 2019.

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History and Culture


After DDoS attacks interfered with the Muzeon Association’s ability to share stories about the history of a Jewish community in Romania, they requested help from Project Galileo.

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Education and Health

Dream Girl Foundation

Securing data and fending off attacks are critical to Dream Girl Foundation’s ability to thrive — learn how they protect their website with Project Galileo.

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HERA Digital Health

To help further their mission to connect refugee populations with healthcare services, HERA relies on Cloudflare for DNS, CDN, Load Balancing, and API security.

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Animal Rights

Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds

The Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds turned to Cloudflare to improve their site speed and defend against attacks that could bring down their site.

Humanitarian Aid

Ukrainians in the Netherlands Foundation

Ukrainians in the Netherlands Foundation provides humanitarian aid to Ukraine and supports displaced people arriving in the Netherlands, including mental health support and translation help.

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