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Award winning security & connectivity services

Take full advantage of the scope, power, and efficiency of Cloudflare’s connectivity cloud with our enterprise-tier plans. Our experts will help you choose the right enterprise solution for your business.

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International sales phone numbers

Asia Pacific

Australia: +61 1300 748 959
China: 010 5387 6315
Hong Kong: 3008 3639
India: 0008 000 501 996
Indonesia: 00180349248340049
Japan: 050-1791-1110
Malaysia: 1800 81 9200
Philippines: 180013120014
Singapore: 6990 6420
South Korea: 007-9814-2030-192
Taiwan: 00801491427
Thailand: 02 026 0652

Europe, Middle East and Africa

France: +33 1 73 01 52 44
Germany: +49 89 2555 2276
Israel: 1 800 102 106
Italy: 800959181
Netherlands: 020 8090 009
Poland: 800 088 840
Portugal: +351 (21) 1230932
Romania: 800 630 141
Russia: 8003014062
Spain: 900 943 467
UK: +44 20 3514 6970
United Arab Emirates: 8000120099

Other International Numbers

Int'l: +1 (650) 319 8930