
About Ansarada:

Ansarada is an Intelligent Information Platform for companies and advisors to remove risk, improve performance and grow with confidence. Ansarada has supported companies to execute more than 25,000 critical business transactions since 2005 and has leveraged this data and experience to enable companies to identify ways to improve their operational excellence and prepare for their most important business transactions. The platform gives companies confidence for those big moments, including capital raises, IPOs, M&A deals and more. Ansarada remains at the forefront and constantly seeks ways to make their clients’ lives easier, which has led to the development of AI and machine learning tools that automate tasks, identify opportunities, and remove unnecessary risk.

Ansarada's challenge:
  • Addressing poor customer experience or complete lack of availability when customers are in high-intensity and fast-paced critical states.

  • Preventing security and data breaches and ensuring platform availability even when being attacked.

“Ansarada prepares businesses for what’s next. We help our ever-busy customers so that they can gain insights and execute on the events they want (capital raise, IPOs etc),” says Steven Rogers, the Chief Systems & Security Officer at Ansarada.

Rogers continues: “We first heard of Cloudflare way back in the day when it was a group of people trying to improve the internet out of college and have continued to watch the company grow into the great internet citizen it is today. Considering the nature of what we do, our chief concerns are:

  • Solidifying our perimeter
  • Providing a super-fast experience to our customers
  • Reducing the risks of data leakage from potentially vulnerable applications"
Ansarada’s Solution:

Using Cloudflare’s web application firewall for preventative protection against malicious activity on Ansarada's SaaS platform. Ansarada also leverages Cloudflare’s extensive network of data centers in 330 cities, as well as its WAN acceleration for improving performance for all global customers.

“Performance is a critical piece of functionality in today’s internet driven world; high availability is also critical due to the nature of work our customers are in and the way they use our platforms. Reputation for keeping our systems secure and available are paramount to our success and provide a huge amount of confidence in the market meaning return and repeat business. We are a fast paced and agile ‘modern’ company and we partner with like-minded companies so we can continue to innovate and move fast with the help of our partners always doing the same,” Rogers says.

"Cloudflare helps us massively with automation — API first is huge for us and we see Cloudflare working hard to provide automation tools and modules such as the recently launched Terraform module for example. This means we can tie Cloudflare configuration into our product teams who own entire end-to-end functionality of a service. Earlier this would have just been the code and the infrastructure but now we can tie in the alerting, monitoring, and security as well," Rogers continues.

“Cloudflare is an easy-to-use and excellent value service that brings huge security and performance benefits to our platform.”

Related Case Studies
Key Results

50% speed increase in uploading large files into Ansarada’s European platform

Cloudflare helps us massively with automation — API first is huge for us and we see Cloudflare working hard to provide automation tools and modules.

Steven Rogers
Chief Systems & Security Officer at Ansarada