Last updated March 10, 2025 (note that the "Supplemental Terms" have been renamed to the "Service-Specific Terms" as of May 10, 2023)
The following Service-Specific Terms (“Service-Specific Terms”), are an integral part of the Self-Serve Subscription Agreement, Enterprise Subscription Agreement, or any other agreement governing your use and access to Cloudflare's Service(s), as applicable (“Subscription Terms”). Unless defined below, all capitalized terms will have the definitions given to such terms in the Subscription Terms. For Enterprise customers, all references to “you” and “your” in the Service-Specific Terms below refer to the Customer named in the applicable Order Form or other ordering document.
Please click on the following links to navigate to the Service-Specific Terms applicable to your specific Cloudflare Services.
The following definitions apply to quantities referenced in orders and invoices for Cloudflare Services. Unless explicitly stated otherwise in the applicable Order Form or Insertion Order(s), the defined terms below have the same meaning regardless of whether such terms are capitalized or uncapitalized.
“95th percentile” is the 95th percentile of a Customer’s usage of a given Service as measured by Cloudflare over five minute intervals. The 95th percentile methodology is used to measure usage of Services billed in Mbps, Gbps, or any other bit per second methodology.
“Business domain” is any domain entitled to a Business subscription level of protection, products, and support (as defined at, exclusive of any add-on or usage-based features for which you may be charged separately.
“Concurrent connections” is the maximum number of clients concurrently connected to Cloudflare’s servers at any one time.
“Custom hostname” is any hostname that you send to Cloudflare’s custom hostname endpoint. A custom hostname can be a domain at any level (including but not limited to second- and third-level domains). For billing purposes,,,, would be considered four separate custom hostnames. Cloudflare will invoice you for any custom hostname that has been active during the billing month, regardless of the duration of the activity during such month.
“Custom SSL certificate” is an SSL certificate that is provided by you for use with the Service. Unless otherwise mutually agreed to in writing, you may only use SNI certificates.
“Dedicated SSL certificate” is an SSL certificate that is provided and managed by Cloudflare on your behalf for use with the Service.
“Domain” is a publicly registrable domain (e.g., along with its child subdomains (e.g., that is configured individually in the Cloudflare dashboard and assigned its own unique zone ID through the Cloudflare Service dashboard. If you require a subdomain to be managed separately from its parent domain, such subdomain must have its own zone ID and will be counted as a separate domain.
"Endpoint" is any service or hardware that intercepts and processes incoming public or private traffic. This includes Origins, hostnames, private or public IP addresses, virtual IP addresses (VIPs), servers, and other dedicated hardware boxes.
“Enterprise DNS-only domain“ is any Zone that only utilizes Cloudflare for DNS resolution and has 0 Gigabytes (GB) of data transfer per month.
“Enterprise primary domain” is any domain receiving Cloudflare’s Enterprise Services that utilizes more than 50 Gigabytes (GB) of data transfer per month.