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Cloudflare Analytics

Comprehensive web performance and security analytics
Browser insights image

Cloudflare tracks and analyzes web performance and security metrics across all of your domains, without impacting site speed or end-user experience.

Browser insights image
Get granular visibility into your cache

See exactly which resources are cached on your website — then, make configuration changes to improve cache-hit ratios.

Filter analytics by domain or product

Measure and track analytics for individual domains, products, or events.

Icon of a graph going up
Democratize data analysis

Query your own virtual data warehouse and create custom analytics dashboards with our GraphQL Analytics API.

How it works

Get actionable insights into your web performance and security

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Cloudflare Analytics are available from a single, flexible API endpoint, with zero setup or code deployment required.

Easy-to-use dashboards provide a comprehensive overview of your traffic and security posture — helping you analyze threats, cache-hit rates, and user patterns.

cdn analytics spot illustration

What our customers are saying

“I’ve worked with GraphQL APIs for a little while now and am excited that Cloudflare is using this technology to provide analytics. The flexibility it offers will make it easy to understand how to improve our cache rate and debug errors being reported by our customers.”

Senior Cloud Consultant — MediaMarkt

Top analytics use cases

Cloudflare Analytics helps you manage and improve your web performance and security with actionable, product-specific insights

DNS analytics icon
DNS Analytics

Dig into your DNS query traffic and track the geographical distribution of your queries over time.

Cloudflare Web Analytics - APPROVED WEB ICONS
Firewall Analytics

Filter firewall events by source or action — and distinguish between actual threats and false positives.

Analytics network orange
Load Balancing Analytics

Investigate and monitor load balance behavior during peak traffic and failover periods.

Trusted by millions of Internet properties

For personal or hobby projects that aren’t business-critical.

Add-ons billed monthly
Add a Website
For professional websites that aren't business-critical.

When billed annually or $25/mo billed monthly
Get Started
For small businesses operating online.

When billed annually or $250/mo billed monthly
Get Started
For mission-critical applications that are core to your business.

Billed annually
Talk to an Expert

Fast, Easy-to-use DNS
Fast, Easy-to-use DNS
Fast responsive times globally and near-instant updates.

Unmetered DDoS Protection
Unmetered DDoS Protection
Cloudflare DDoS protection secures websites and applications while ensuring the performance of legitimate traffic is not compromised.

Our 335 data centers located across the globe provide visitors with location-based access to your website, while removing latency and improving performance.

Universal SSL Certificate
Universal SSL Certificate
Cloudflare is compatible with your existing SSL configuration. If you do not currently use SSL, Cloudflare can provide you with SSL capabilities — no configuration required.

Free Managed Ruleset
Free Managed Ruleset
Free Cloudflare-managed ruleset protecting against highest severity vulnerabilities.

Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Cloudflare Web Application Firewall's intuitive dashboard enables users to build powerful rules through easy clicks and also provides Terraform integration. Every request to the WAF is inspected against the rule engine and the threat intelligence curated from protecting millions of websites. Suspicious requests can be blocked, challenged or logged as per the needs of the user while legitimate requests are routed to the destination, agnostic of whether it lives on-premise or in the cloud.

Lossless Image Optimization
Lossless Image Optimization
Polish applies "lossless" or optional "lossy" image optimization to reduce your image sizes by 35% on average.

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
Mirage automatically optimizes image loading through virtualized and lazyloaded images. It detects the browser type of a visitor and optimizes performance for the particular device, improving the performance of images on a mobile connection.

PCI DSS 4.0 compliance
PCI DSS 4.0 compliance
Bring your business into compliance with the latest PCI DSS 4.0 standards by enabling Cloudflare's web application firewall (WAF) and Modern TLS Only mode.

Uptime SLA

Uptime Service Credits
Uptime Service Credits
In the rare event of downtime, customers receive a service credit against the monthly fee, in proportion to the respective disruption and affected customer ratio.
10x (Standard) ; 25x (Premium)

Single-Sign-On (SSO) Support
Single-Sign-On (SSO) Support
The Cloudflare dashboard supports Single Sign On (SSO) for ease of centralized identity and access management. Cloudflare Account Owners will be able to setup and define who can access their Cloudflare accounts with the same Identity Provider (IdP) they currently use.

Network Prioritization

Role-based Account Control
Role-based Account Control
Role-based access for Cloudflare accounts enables organizations to collaborate across one Cloudflare account, and use roles-based permissions to control access. Each user is assigned an individual API key and can use two-factor authentication to protect their own account.

Support Options
Community forums and documentation
Tickets + Community Forums
Tickets + Chat + Community Forums
24x7x365 Tickets + Chat + Phone + Community Forums

Cloudflare Rules
Cloudflare Rules
Cloudflare Rules allows you to make adjustments to requests and responses, configure Cloudflare settings, and trigger specific actions for matching requests. Examples of rule use cases include setting cache expirations, modifying security levels for sections of your site, and forwarding URLs.
70 rules + 10,000 Bulk Redirects
225 rules + 25,000 Bulk Redirects
450 rules + 50,000 Bulk Redirects
2700 rules + 1,000,000 Bulk Redirects

Bot Mitigation
Bot Mitigation
Manage good and bad bots in real-time with speed and accuracy by harnessing the data from the millions of Internet properties on Cloudflare.
Simple bots
More advanced bots
Sophisticated bots and basic bot analytics
All bots, anomaly detection, custom CAPTCHAs & threat response, advanced bot analytics, and more

Layer-3 Network DDoS protection with Magic Transit*
Custom Pricing

China Network Access
China Network Access
Gain access to Cloudflare's 35 data centers across China.
Custom Pricing

Cloudflare for SaaS
Cloudflare for SaaS
Cloudflare for SaaS allows the customers of SaaS providers to CNAME their custom domains to the SaaS provider’s subdomain. This offers SaaS customers the benefit of a branded and encrypted vanity domain. Cloudflare automatically handles certificate management and renewals. Learn more at

  • Free, Pro, and Business Plan: Free for the first 100 hostnames and $0.10 a month for each additional custom hostname.
  • ENT: Custom Pricing
<100 hostnames free, $.10 per additional
<100 hostnames free, $.10 per additional
<100 hostnames free, $.10 per additional
Custom Pricing


Resources card - Thin top orange line  - image
How Cloudflare Analytics works

See how Cloudflare measures, tracks, and filters web metrics across your domains.

Read the blog post
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Why application performance monitoring matters

Site performance can impact everything from user experience to operating costs. Application performance monitoring can help you detect and diagnose potential issues.

Learn more
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Cloudflare Observatory helps boost business growth

Cloudflare analyzes real user monitoring (RUM) data to investigate common performance issues and provide tailored web optimizations.

Read the blog post

Get Cloudflare Analytics for your enterprise