Cloudflare’s analytics partnerships with Google allows mutual customers to examine and visualize logs to provide the best experience for end users. Insights show how Cloudflare speeds up websites, saves you bandwidth, ranks your fastest and slowest pages, and alerts you of cyberattacks.
Through this integration and real-time insights from Google Data Studio, users can visualize several dashboards to analyze their Cloudflare log data. They can generate charts and graphs through Google BigQuery, making log data available to the reporting engine. The integration supports pushing logs directly to Google Cloud Storage. Learn how to deploy Logpush via the Cloudflare dashboard or via API in our developer documentation.
Filter key metrics (i.e. geography, IP, user agent, traffic type) around security, performance, and reliability for your websites and applications.
Through Google BigQuery, log data will update every five minutes by default once Logpush is configured.
Build customized log data reports for different fields based on the Cloudflare insights template with Google Data Studio.
Learn about Cloudflare’s partnership with Google Cloud in this announcement blog post around our Analytics partners.
Learn how to enable Logpush directly to Google Cloud Storage via the Cloudflare dashboard or API.
Learn how to analyze Cloudflare logs using Google Cloud.