
GoBear: A Financial Supermarket, Supercharged By Cloudflare

GoBear is a complete and easy-to-use comparison site for banking and insurance products. Billed as “Asia’s leading financial supermarket”, the online platform seeks to make financial literacy, financial inclusion and financial security attainable for everyone. Its smart tooling, data insights, filtering and coverage rating are all designed to help consumers cut through complexity and find the best product for their needs.

The Challenge

After launching in Singapore in 2015, GoBear quickly expanded to six other Asian markets, while picking up many industry accolades, including ‘Best Financial Products Comparison Brand – Asia’ from Global Brands, along the way. For Chief Technology Officer and Co-Founder, Ivonne Bojoh, leveraging a global cloud network has been integral to improving GoBear’s product offering across the region.

“The need for a global cloud network — one that offered a top-tier CDN and more — was apparent early on. Once we ventured beyond mature markets like Singapore and Hong Kong, we inevitably ran into performance issues due to slower local networks. Our first provider wasn’t delivering the results we expected, so we started looking elsewhere,” she revealed.

“Our primary objective was to reduce load times for the end-user — but with Cloudflare, we’re getting so much more. Cloudflare delivers a secure and scalable solution that gives us the performance and security that we need.

— Ivonne Bojoh
Chief Technology Officer & Co-Founder, GoBear

The Cloudflare Solution

With GoBear’s value proposition anchored on ease and simplicity, it’s a priority for Ivonne and her team to ensure that their users enjoy the same great experience whether they’re in Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia or the Philippines.

“Many people don’t realize how diverse Asia is. It’s true not just in terms of culture and language, but also in financial savviness, digital access, bandwidth, and infrastructure stability. With Cloudflare, we have been able to improve our delivery and performance across the board, despite the varying levels of digital maturity in our markets,” said Ivonne.

With Cloudflare’s extensive network of data centers spanning over 320 cities in 120 countries around the world and its Argo Smart Routing solution, GoBear is seeing approximately 75% bandwidth cost savings and a 50% performance improvement. Cloudflare is also blocking an average of 5,000 cyberattacks every month, ensuring high availability and security.

“As an online marketplace, delivery is mission-critical for us. In that sense, Cloudflare has become an integral part of our product offering. The support that we are getting from the team is also excellent,” she adds.

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Key Results

• With Cloudflare, GoBear is seeing about 75% bandwidth cost savings and 50% performance improvements.

• Cloudflare is blocking an average of 5,000 cyberattacks every month, ensuring high availability and security.

With Cloudflare, we have been able to improve our delivery and performance across the board, despite the varying levels of digital maturity in our markets.

Ivonne Bojoh
CTO & Co-Founder, GoBear