Build collaborative applications

Collaborative apps, like chat rooms, games, or whiteboards require strong consistency of state to ensure everybody, everywhere is working with the most up to date version. Run stateful applications on Cloudflare's connectivity cloud with Durable Objects.

Maintain state

Illustration of an application processing requests

Regain control when you define data center to store application state in. Guaranteed connectivity for all requests to reach the same instance.

Illustration of an application processing requests

Scale on demand

Illustration of a scaling application

With near limitless scale, Durable Objects can scale from 0 to millions in a matter of seconds. Ensuring your application can handle surges of traffic during peak times.

Illustration of a scaling application

Embedded Compute

Illustration of a globe

Build complex logic without a performance tax when your compute functions execute within the same serverless environment as your state.

Illustration of a globe

Key benefits

Maintain strong consistency of state as code executes from a single data center.
Automatic failover to eliminate a single point of failure.
Schedule alarms to run at a regular cadence or batch requests.

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Pricing plans

Durable Objects is only available with paid Workers plans.

Included with paid plan

Cost per additional units

Read request units

1,000,000 / month

$0.20 / million

Write requests

1,000,000 / month

$1.00 / million

Delete requests

1,000,000 / month

$1.00 / million

Stored data

1 GB

$0.20 / GB-month

See what companies are building with Durable Objects